Definition of Tawaf

Tawaf is the circling of the kaaba in Mecca seven times. The following illustration depicts the proper order and circumambulation of the Tawaf:

Types of Tawaf
Tawaf Al-Qudum (Arrival Tawaf) / Tawaf of the Umrah

Tawaf al-Qudum is the first tawaf performed upon entering Masjid al-Haram in Makkah by those performing hajj Al-Qiran or hajj Al-Ifrad. It is identical to the tawaf of the umrah, except for the intention.

Tawaf Al-Ifada

Performing the Tawaf Al-Ifada is obligatory and a requirement for the validity of Hajj. The time for this Tawaf begins with the time for throwing the stones on Jamratu-l'Aqabah on the 10th of Dhu l-Hijjah. It is the Sunnah to have completed this Tawaf by sunset. Moreover, the one who has chosen the way of Hajj of Tamatu' also performs Sa'ii after the completion of Tawaf Al-Ifada. This also applies to the one who has chosen the type of Hajj of Qiran or Ifrad and has not yet performed his Sa'ii along with the arrival Tawaf. After completing the Tawaf Al-Ifada, the Ihram state is now completely cancelled. The Tawaf Al-Ifada does not necessarily have to be performed on the 10th day of the month of Dhu l-Hijjah and can also be performed at a later time or together with the Farewell Tawaf. However, it should be noted that one does not leave the Ihram state of Hajj completely until the fulfillment of Tawaf Al-Ifada, which means that sexual intercourse remains prohibited until its fulfillment.

Tawaf Al-Wada' (Farewell Tawaf)

The one who has fulfilled the rites of Hajj must perform Tawaf Al-Wada' immediately before leaving Makkah. This farewell tawaf completes the great pilgrimage (Hajj) and is obligatory. If one does not fulfill this duty, a sacrifice must be made. Women who have their periods or postpartum bleeding are exempt from the obligation of Tawaf Al-Wada'. The sick and weak, however, must perform this Tawaf and are not exempt from this duty. However, they may be carried or driven in a wheelchair.

Requirements for Tawaf
1- The intention (Niyah)

The right intention (Niyah) is a prerequisite for Allah to accept a good deed and use it for us on the Last Day. Every good deed should be performed solely for the satisfaction and pleasure of Allah and in hope of His reward.

2- State of Purity (At-Tahaarah)

The prerequisite for the validity of the Tawaf is that one is in a state of ritual purity and both body and clothes are free from impure things. Since the tawaf was compared to prayer by the Prophet -glory and salvation be upon him-, the same rules regarding purity apply as for prayer. Therefore, women with menstrual bleeding or postpartum bleeding are not allowed to perform tawaf.

3- Covering the 'Aurah (parts of the body to be covered)

Since the Tawaf was compared to prayer by the Prophet -blessings and peace be upon him-, for the Tawaf to be valid, it is obligatory to cover the body as it must be covered in prayer. Note: A man's 'Aurah is his body from his navel to his knee. The woman's 'Aurah is generally considered to be her entire body, including her face and hands, in front of strange, non-mahram men.

4- Performing the Tawaf inside the Al-Haraam Mosque

The Tawaf must be performed inside the Masjid Al-Haram. It does not matter how far the distance to the Kaaba is for the validity of the Tawaf.

5- Performing the Tawaf with the Kaaba to the left

For the tawaf to be valid, the Kaaba must always be to the left when it is performed.

6- Completion of seven circumambulations

In order for the Tawaf to be valid, the Kaba must be circumambulated seven times. The tawaf begins and ends at the black stone (Hajr al-aswad) or at the level of the black stone.

7- Performing the Tawaf without interruption

The tawaf must not be interrupted without a compelling necessity. If it is interrupted, the entire tawaf must be performed again. However, if there is a compelling necessity, the tawaf may be continued where it was interrupted.

The tawaf also includes sunan which are not obligatory.